Thursday, August 18, 2011

Burn Fat Fast

You are tired of feeling fat! You want to burn fat and burn it for good. You don't want to feel a little bit “chubby”. You want to get rid of your spare tire and get rid of it for good. So how do you burn fat effectively and burn it for good?

We live in a fast paced world, where time is priceless. We spend half our day working, the other picking up and dropping off the kids to their activities, looking after the dog, getting dinner and getting everyone to bed at a decent hour to start all over for the next day. You would think by running like mad all over, we would burn fat a lot more easily. After your busy day the last thing you want to do is hop on the bike or treadmill to do an hour of cardio. You’re tired and it’s BORING!

Well I have good news. Your cardio workouts will never be the same again.

Let me introduce you to Interval Training. Interval training is a fantastic way to burn fat and lose those extra pounds. Believe me, I know. After each of my three kids, this is what I did and 12 weeks later I was 24lbs lighter and 26” smaller. Trust me. If you are serious about getting rid of fat, hang up your slow and steady shoes and get out your "I’m ready to kick some butt" shoes! Here’s how it works:

Slow and steady cardio is still good. It helps to give us a healthy heart, gets us moving but is just not as effective as we thought for burning fat.

With Interval training, you train at higher intensities for shorter periods of time. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) will speed up your metabolism and will keep it higher longer after you are done compared to slower longer exercise, which only burns calories for the duration of your workout, or for a very short time afterwards.

And that my friend is important. The more calories burned equals more weight and inches lost.

There are many different interval training programs and each can be adapted for your fitness level. Here is one example:

1) Start with at least a 5-minute warm-up, gradually increasing your pace to one that you usually maintain for your workout. (should be at least a easy-medium effort)

2) Once you are significantly warm, increase your intensity for one full minute (working towards a challenging effort)

3) Return to your normal pace and remain there until you have recovered enough to go again.

4) Repeat this 1 minute interval with full recovery time between each one for the full extent of your workout and then gradually decrease your intensity as you enter a cooling off pace.

There it is! All you need to know to take your cardio to the next level and start to burn fat fast and get a body that you feel great in.

Kelly Parker is an ACE and Can-Fit Pro certified fitness professional and has been helping people reach their health and fitness goals for over 11 years.h

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