Let's take a look at some situations with girls that most guys get nervous about when dealing with women.
1) Approaching the girl. This initial meeting or introduction is never even made for many guys. They just watch her across the room wishing they had the guts to talk to her.
2) Asking for her number. This is terrifying for many guys. They might have a great conversation with her, but they aren't able to take it to the next step.
3) The first kiss. This takes a lot of courage for most men. Most guys let plenty of opportunities pass them by before they finally make this "move".
I am going to stop there for now. There are many other situations, but the above three illustrate my point. They all involve a situation where the guy faces the possibility of rejection.
What if the girl doesn't talk to me or makes me feel like an idiot? What if she gives me a fake phone number or laughs at me?
Guys are afraid of rejection. It can be a huge blow to the ego. Who likes that?
But you MUST get over it. Your fear of rejection is holding you back from enjoying the success with girls you deserve. Not only that, but since girls are used to guys acting nervous in these situations, you have the opportunity to shine by not being intimidated and facing the challenge.
Today I am going to look at a few ways to decrease your chance of rejection – and ultimately – improve your success with women.
What are some areas that I find guys ask me “How to make a move?” Well, there are many. But let’s focus on two for now. 1) Getting a girls phone number. 2) Asking for a date.
Ok, I’m excited. I love the nervous energy that comes along with each of these situations. I get a huge rush from it. It’s easy to turn this nervous energy and turn it into a positive thing.
Ok, enough about me, let’s look closer at each scenario.
1) Getting a girl’s phone number – Here I am assuming you have already approached a girl and started a conversation (To learn about how to successfully do this make sure to sign up for my free course at my website). Remember from my previous articles – you have started a light-hearted, funny conversation where you have been able to make the girl laugh while coming across as though you were just starting a regular conversation – NOT hitting on her.
I like to challenge myself to get a phone number within five minutes. You want to strike while the irons hot. If you wait too long, you risk the chance of running out of things to say or having awkward silences.
I also always encourage being the one who ends the conversation. By being the one who has to go because you are “meeting friends, need to get a drink, have to return a call" etc. it gives you social proof and heightens the girl's curiousity.
The key here is to make it comes across as natural and laid back as possible when you ask for her number. Have a routine and stick to it. Do not let it comes across as rehearsed though.
I like to ask them if they have an email. When they say yes, I simply say “ok, you’re an interesting character. I have to get going but write it down for me so I have it”. Notice I am not “asking” for it. I am telling them to give it to me.
While they are writing the email down, I then say “and jot down your phone number too.” Do it naturally and it comes across as extremely smooth. This method has a high success rate since it doesn’t come across as creepy whatsoever.
2) Asking for a date - There are a couple of different ways of doing this. Remember, as I always stress, be confident and do not appear nervous. You want this to seem natural and unrehearsed.
For now, I am going to suggest you use a line involving the term “friendship”. I talk about the psychology behind this in one of the first lessons of my free course.
Use a line like “Well let’s get together for a friendly drink. You sound like someone who would be a great friend.” Of course, you can change the word “drink” to something else. Any type of informal outing is fine.
The key here is that you are coming across as though you are interested in being friends with her. Girls are shocked by this! And shock leads to intrigue.
You see, girls don’t ever get asked out like this. Who could have thought! A guy who wants to be friends!?!?
This makes her very curious and makes her feel as though you are a challenge. If you do this in person, you can actually see her thinking to herself “Isn’t he interested in me? This is different….”
A lot of guys feel weird or awkward using this tactic at first. But it is SO effective. I guarantee you that it will not only help you land a date, but also pay dividends on the date itself.
So there you go – How to make a move in those crucial moments. When you are prepared and have a proven game plan, you have no reason to fear rejection. Embrace the challenge and I promise you that you will succeed. In the next article I will look at two more “crucial moments”. The first date (when you are out on the date) and the first kiss. Until then, happy hunting!
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