Acne is more than the red or white bumps that sometimes hurt under our skin. Acne can make us not want to socialize during a time of our lives when meeting people is important. How can anyone be in public and pretend that people won't notice the pimple on his or her face?
Before leaving your house, getting rid of the pimple on your face is the most important thing on your mind. With your index finger and thumb, you squeeze or pinch the pimple until the white pus oozes out. You might take a sharp object, such as a needle or pin and poke or prick the pimple toe get it started. Sometimes things may get bloody.
People tell you not to pick at your pimples or zits because it will leave your face with scars, pockmarks or indentations. But, you don't listen to their advice because you rather get rid of your pimple and can't imagine that popping it is bad.
When your acne gets worst, you decide to try a few products in the drug stores.
Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are ingredients in many over the counter acne medications. You might be sensitive to these ingredients, so you start by using only a small amount and eventually, you use a little more until you get used to their side effects.
When these over the counter medications don't work on your acne, you make an appointment with a dermatologist who prescribes treatment that includs stronger medications that requires a prescription such as, Tetracycline, Tretinoin or Isotretinoin. These medications have harsher side effects than the over the counter products.
As time pasts, you've tried everything, but your acne keeps coming back. All these acne treatments can do is control your symptoms. They don't cure your acne.
For a lucky few, acne will go away when they reach their mid twenties. However, there are people who don't begin to have a serious acne problem until they're in their thirties.
Is there a happy conclusion to all of this? For some people there will be. For others, they may have to suffer along the way. It's important to keep an open mind about the acne treatments that are available. No single treatment can be successful on everyone who tries it. Sometimes you may need to go outside the obvious established medical point of view in treating acne to discover the solution that may work for you.
Copyright © 2007 by Leroy J. Chan
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