Thursday, August 18, 2011

Why Men Need Women More Than Women Need Men

In ancient times, women understood that Man needs Woman far more than Woman needs Man. They used this understanding to keep their emotional desires in perspective. They used this understanding to demand—and receive—the respect and appreciation they—and you—deserve.

First, the basic physical facts: no life form can maintain its physical body without a continual supply of Life Force Energy. And it takes a massive and uninterrupted flow of this Energy to congeal and sustain the myriad atoms required to materialize a new baby's body. This life-sustaining Energy is always flowing direct from Spirit through women's bodies because women's bodies create and nourish new life. Men, lacking women's reproductive powers, possess no Life Force Energy of their own. Yet they, like all other physical life forms, cannot live without it.

Men can obtain this crucial Energy in only two ways: by turning Within to reconnect directly with Spirit—as all are able, but few make the effort to do—or, by getting it from women during sex.

In ancient times, women understood their power over men. However much a woman might enjoy sex, she will never need it as men do because Spirit's life-sustaining flow is always coursing through her body. Women then understood the magnitude of the gift—the vital Life Force Energy that maintains a body's health—that they give to men with their sexual favors. Women then recognized their power and used it to command due respect and appreciation.

And Woman was respected. Her lovers knew that they must earn her blessings. Her intellect was valued and her advice, sought after. Her talents and capabilities were admired, and her contributions to the community, appreciated. She knew her purpose for coming to life and was encouraged to accomplish her mission. She lived her life in her mother's clan and inherited her mother's wealth. She needed no man's support because she profited from her own businesses and retained control of those profits in her name. No laws were decreed to make her economically dependent upon men for her food and shelter. She wasn't forced to stay hidden in her home, nor did she need a man's protection to leave it, for rape was unknown. She didn't worry about her looks. She didn't fear being abandoned and left penniless if a man felt a whim for something younger.

Those anxieties wouldn't arise until later times when invading patriarchs prohibited women from possessing the wealth and means to be independent of them. In ancient times, Woman was proud of her Femininity and her power. She enjoyed being a Woman.

Woman only needs Man to support her if his laws have made it difficult to support herself. She only needs his protection if he and his brethren tell themselves that a woman "wants it" if she ventures out on a street alone. She only needs him to love her if she has been taught she's not worthy of giving love to herself. She only needs him to "take care of her" if the laws of her society have decreed her to be the "property" of man, and thus not entitled to her own earnings and rightful inheritance with which she could easily take care of herself.

But why do machismo enthusiasts, even today, want women to be so financially subservient, so economically dependent? It is, after all, a burden to be someone's sole support. Why have patriarchal societies in every era placed the highest priority on limiting a woman's ability to control her own money? Why? Because if she has money, she has the means to leave. And no man wants to lose his "possessions," much less his cook, maid and ready supply of sex. Men (at least those who don't bother to connect with Spirit daily)need sex. And they long ago discovered that the most reliable way of assuring themselves of a steady supply was to take women from their clans and make them dependent upon men for food and survival. How then, could she leave?

Women in matriarchal societies needed joy and fulfillment in their lives, just as women now do. But women then were taught that they would find it within themselves—in the activities, pursuits and pleasures that they enjoyed. Their modern sisters, raised in patriarchal cultures, have been taught to look to a man for fulfillment instead of to themselves. They're taught to not notice what they desire and long for, to disregard what is important to them. Self-sacrifice in the service of others is applauded.

But women in early matriarchal societies didn't look for a man to fulfill them. They created their own joy and fulfillment by filling their lives full of the things and activities they loved. They knew there'd be men aplenty who'd see their Joy and come running to share it.

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