Creating a marketing campaign is one thing, getting it to be successful is a whole other thing that lots of people never think about. Most marketers design some marketing materials and leave it at that. They don't get into developing their campaign further, refining it or even creating additional pieces. That's why the lazy marketer or business owner will always fail.
In this article I'm going to show you how you can take a typical marketing campaign and redesign it to create superior results. Not only in terms of winning customers, but also in gaining free publicity, winning awards and gaining trust amongst your entire market. This marketing trick is so powerful it can do all it, with just a few minor enhancements.
What I'm talking about is the whole hook you design your marketing campaign around. Most likely it doesn't even have a clear hook or story behind it. And that's exactly why it's 'yet another marketing campaign'. It's nowhere special to anyone not already interested in your type or product or service.
A true marketer always wants to put in his creativity. Marketers don't only think about the design and copywriting of a campaign, they also think about the strategy behind it. What are the highest goals the campaign has, and what added benefits can be obtained at the same time. When you design a campaign around a hook or special story you create leverage.
This leverage is about the hook you use. If you're rubbing shoulders with a topic currently hot in the media, you automatically stand much more chance to be featured in those media. Credibility is transferred to you instantly because your promotion contains the same topic, person or item that everyone is talking about recently. Immediate relevancy and credibility for your campaign.
Another trick lots of great marketers do is using so-called buzz words. These words often mean nothing, or the definition of them is not clear. Take for example the term 'web 2.0' which never got a clear description and people are using it everywhere to sell their products. This word became a buzz because a well known person invented it, others started to copy it and now everyone is talking about it.
The whole secret here is that most of the time the buzz words or hot topics that you've designed your marketing campaign around have actually nothing to do with each other. That's the controversial part of it: you're gaining credibility and many other advantages without having a real 'right' on it.
But would you care? The benefits are so much bigger then any possible question that may arise from a customer about what you got to do with the current media discussions. Just tell them you're adding value to the world of your customers.
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