Thursday, August 18, 2011

What is Two Cycle Billing?

The term “two cycle billing” may not be common knowledge to all credit card users, but it is a concept that everyone should be aware of. Some issuers have been moving away from the average daily billing cycle and changing over to the two cycle way of calculating the interest earned on balances. Two cycle billing does not greatly affect users that tend the carry a balance, but it does however affect cardholders that pay there balance off monthly.

In order to understand two cycle billing you must first understand the average daily billing method, which will now be explained. Let’s say that you own a credit card with a 15% interest rate and your billing cycle for the month of April runs from the 1st through the 30th of the month. At the beginning of the month you have a balance of $0 on the card. Now, on the 10th of April you make a purchase of $1000, which means you are going to carry that balance for 20 days until the current billing cycle ends. You must now calculate the average daily balance for the month of April. To do so you must first multiply the balance of the card by the number of days the balance was carried ($1000 × 20 days = 20,000), then you will divide that number by the total days in the billing cycle (20,000 ÷ 30 = 666.67). You have now figured out that your average daily balance for April would be $666.67. If this card uses the average daily billing cycle and you started the month with a $0 balance, there will be no interest charged as long as the April balance is paid off in full. This billing cycle essentially gives you a grace period on purchases as long as the balance is paid off in full each month. But, if this credit card uses the two cycle billing method, you would be charged interest for the month of April when you receive your bill in May because your average daily balance is based on the last 2 billing cycles. So, when you receive your bill for May, you will have a finance charge that is due, even though your balance was paid off in full for April and you didn’t make any purchases with the card in May. In order to figure out how much your interest would be, you will take the average daily balance × number of days in the billing cycle × periodic interest rate. Below are the calculations to figure out your interest due in May.

Average daily balance 1000 × 20 ÷ 61 = 327.87

Number of days in billing cycle 30 + 31 = 61

Periodic interest rate 15 ÷ 365 = .0411

Finance charge for May 327.87 × 61 × .000411 = 8.22

Based on the interest rate of 15% stated above, you will receive a bill in May that shows a finance charge of $8.22 even though the balance was paid in full in April. As you can now see, the two cycle billing method of calculating interest is not ideal for users that choose to pay there balance of in full each month. Essentially, a two cycle billing card will start charging interest from the day the purchases is made, which will eliminate the grace period that is provided by a card that uses the average daily billing method.

How To Make Money With Domain Name Investing

Domain name investing is becoming a fairly popular way to make a lot of money on the Internet. It's relatively simple to get involved in and can pay rather big dividends for a very small investment. Understanding what it is and how it works can open the door for lucrative returns.

Domaining, as it is often called, involves nothing more than buying website domain names and parking them through parking services or selling them to others. The prospect takes a little time to master, but the returns can be worth the effort. The financial returns tend to come in one of two different ways - ad revenue or resale value.

Starting out in domaining involves buying website names and having them registered and parked or reselling them to other investors. How much of a return an investor will make will depend on the traffic a particular domain name pulls in or how sought after the name tends to be by others.

There are several ways to determine what kinds of domain names to buy and register. The most common ways center on "type-ins" or "typos." Typos are nothing more than sites whose names are similar to other existing websites or brand name products. The typo sites obtain natural traffic when people accidentally mistype website names or brand name product names into their search engines. This kind of buying tends to be a little tricky, most especially when brand name products are being used. Many investors don't like the typo route because of potential legal issues that can arise. Another option is to buy actual "type-ins." These are names that reflect common web searches. For example, "babygirlclothing" or other real terms and words that are used in searches are used for the domain names. This route is considered more above board. A final option for picking sites is to find those that were formerly used and still have traffic and backlinks. Buying these and parking or reselling them can return decent rewards.

There are many options to go about buying and selling domain names. Some people buy domain names in bulk from places like and then research them to see if they have money-making potential. Other options include going through domaining forums, such as or These sites are used for buying and selling domain names. These are traded just like real estate might be bought and sold. It is a buyer beware kind of world though. Not all deals come through in the end. Some sites offer a seller and buyer ranking system to enable buyers to check out the integrity of a transaction. Other options for protection include escrowing the money through a payment service, which I prefer.

Arriving at the real value of a domain name can be the hardest part of this venture. The price and value tends to hinge on what a buyer believes a name is worth. Buyers can, however, request revenue and traffic reports in some cases to help them figure a fair price.

After domains have been chosen and purchased, there are several ways to actually make money off them without doing too much work. Parking service sites are the most common way to achieve this. These services let investors "park" their sites with little or no content. This means the sites will pop up as a result of an Internet search. Although content doesn't come along with a parking package, a landing page can have text ads. The owner of the domain will get paid for the returns on the ads. Another option for making money involves nothing more than selling the names to other investors for further development or for them to park themselves.

There are a few rules of the road for parking services, such as Sedo and, that need to be kept in mind. While these services will allow text ads on parked pages, they don't allow for a lot of backlink generation. They expect traffic to come in through natural, organic means. This means by accidental hits, normal searches or backlinks that were present from the past. It is possible to have pages taken down by parking services if they are generating more traffic than what comes naturally.

The practice of domaining is a fairly simply way to make money on the Internet. It doesn't take a lot of work to get involved with. Becoming a master of the practice does take some time. Although some forms of the practice are considered unfair and even shady, the overall practice is not and it does work to make a lot of people a fair amount of money.

Lowering Your Credit Card Debt

Most of us have accrued a significant amount of credit card debt. Of course, I'm sure we've all heard that more than once, right? It's become quite personal, correct? I bet your high credit card debt is driving you crazy.

Alright, take a chill pill. Don't be so fast to file for bankruptcy. Bear in mind that it's most advantageous for your creditor to work with you to bring things back into line.

So, below are a couple of ideas to help you manage your credit card debt:

Foremost, get in touch with the company that issued your credit card. Let them know about what is going on with your finances. Request that they lower your credit card interest rate, or request a lowered payment plan in order to repay. Quite often people don't think of this because the are normally polite. It's to your advantage to keep courteous when speaking with your credit card issuer. Stay firm, and polite, but conduct yourself in a manner that says "I know exactly what I want and I expect to receive it". If you have any doubts about what you might be asking for, you might consider taking the time to contact a credit counseling service with a good reputation. There are many honest firms out there where the #1 purpose is to help you in working with your creditors.

Ok, now stop the credit cards from being used. Tear them up, or run them through the shredder. Do whatever you need to to keep them from ending up in your wallet or purse. Allowing them back in there will only create more temptation for you to use them again, perpetuating the problem even more.

Actually, this can be one of the most difficult parts of lowering your credit card debt. You seem addicted to spending money that you don\'t have available to spend. So, you have to quick the habit- COLD TURKEY.

Begin paying the credit cards off with the higher interest rate first. Work down from there. How is that done? Focus your efforts on the high interest rate credit cards by paying more than the minimum payment each and every month. The minimum amount is just designed to keep you enslaved for longer, anyway.

Credit card issuers aren't in business just to lose money. It's in their best "interest", contrary to yours, to keep you making payments for the longest amount of time possible. If you can just pay a small amount each month, it's better in the long run than just skipping the payment.

In the end hold your head high and keep the happy attitude. Many folks just like you have started to cut their credit card debt using these steps. You will, too!

Selling Books on Amazon

Amazon is perhaps one of the most successful businesses that the web has furnished since the Internet Boom. Known for selling books online, the website attracts millions of visitors every day. Some buy books while others just surf and look for new ones in the market. Although it is set-up like any other online store in the country, the Amazon provides great service that is hard to surpass.

Whether it is because of their strength in the market or the continuous upgrading of their site, Amazon has remained to be a market leader for years. What makes Amazon such a hit ? What makes their service different from other sites ? Selling Books on Amazon teaches you how to create your own cash generating business. Discover just how exciting your life can become

1. Visual representations

One important element that Amazon has in its website is the use of visuals and photographs of books. This is a good way to entice people into buying their books. It is also a good guide for people who are purchasing books that have different editions and versions. For instance, a business book will have different editions depending on where it is published and what publishing house made it. People who are looking for a specific version will find the pictures a big help.

2. Professional reviews

Another advantage of selling books on amazon is that other websites has in its site reviews of the book from professionals who are really adept in analyzing and critiquing novels and various kinds of literature. Through this, you can find a no holds barred opinion on what the book is about.

3. User reviews also has user review corners, which anybody can make use of. People who want to have their opinions about the book heard can upload their reviews, comments or whatever else that they want to say about the book. This way, people will be able to know just what the public thinks about the novel.

4. Easy payment system

Amazon is convenience in your fingertips. With just clicking the book and then supplying your credit card information, you can already have the book delivered at your doorstep. You do not even have to move any muscles. Its easy payment system is one of the great conveniences that the site gives. Of course, the price can be pretty expensive if you add up the delivery charge but this is perfect for people who just do not have the time to shop but have lots of money to burn.

5. Cut-off prices

Amazon oftentimes cut off their prices especially for book, which are not so saleable but have lots of stocks left. Hard to find books can sometimes be found here.

6. Synopsis and other details

Amazon provides the complete details of the book, sometimes even posting an excerpt of the book. The experience is actually like shopping inside a bookstore except that you are inside your house and clicking the mouse instead of turning the pages. This is way better than the title and author that other websites provide.

7. Speed of connection

Despite its many graphics and materials, Amazon is a breeze to use. One click and you will already have in front of you the picture of the book as well as all the details that come with it. You do not have to wait ten years just to be able to complete one page unlike other websites that have really slow connections.

Things That Chuck Didn't Tell You

More things that are left out when you”Talk to Chuck”

As promised,I am continuing with some peculiarities of the Charles Schwab brokerage; not advertised for obvious reasons,which have caused aggravation and large losses for me over the years(that’s right… years).Hopefully when you are evaluating prospective Brokers you can use my misfortune to avoid the same problems.

Now as one of the original online brokers,Schwab uses a trading platform which is a “detuned” version of a acquisition they made years ago;Cyber Trader,at the time that company was regarded as having one of the most advanced trading platforms around,which may have been why they bought it; to integrate the trading software into the larger brokerage.Now that was a long time ago,and that trading platform that was state of the art,no longer is,yet Schwab persists in using this platform under the name “street smart pro”.It is neither.

None of that would be that big of a deal if they used there considerable resources and IT department to fix known flaws in the platform.Or replaced it.They just release new versions(read;add ons) with the same known bugs.This trading platform like most ;allows the customer to cancel replace quantity and prices of securities open orders by the customer in order to adapt to market conditions.Obviously this is extremely key feature that must function flawlessly with the increased volatility and quick price moves prevalent in the hedge fund dominated stock market.

The problem is; sometimes the trading platform will lock in the middle of a cancel replace cycle,or if there is a partial execution while the order is executed at the old price.What does this results in?let’s say you were attempting to sell 1000 shares of stock @$ 20.64 you then cancel replace to 20.4 because the price started to move away,but in the mean time you had a partial execution of 173 shares@ the original$ 20.64,the stock continues to fade so you lower your offer to sell to$20.2.This platform will sometimes not execute the remaining portion of the order.Not good ….but not a disaster yet!.The work around procedure should be to cancel the whole order.and start a new order”ticket” (in broker parlance )for the remaining shares not sold right?..and by the way this conveniently ends the original “ticket” which creates a separate commission charge for the portion not sold..that is now a new order.

Well there should be no problem selling the 1000-173=827 shares left right?Wrong! the trading platform doesn’t recognize that the securities have not been sold since the software cannot tell it has not executed,so therefore it will not permit the sale of the remaining stake you were trying to sell.Now what can be done now that the stock is sinking and you want to sell!!! get out!!!. First time this happened in 2002 (that’s right…. that how long they have know of this defect!)I assumed that it would be a matter of calling up the IT department and having them “unlock “the software glitch.That turned out to be a fantasy!,one that Schwab employees encourage by telling the customer; “the order should go through now,it’s all unlocked”.They actually can’t unlock it.The only way to sell the security is with a phone order,then you can beg them to reduce the commission since the order had to be replaced due to a defect in there trading platform.

At one time , discount broker’s had large staffs to take telephone trades.Those days are gone!.Today when this happened i was on hold for 15 minutes waiting for a broker to answer phone ;as usually happens the market moves against you.Telephone trades are simply two slow(even without the 15 minute wait) when you are competing with other traders who are trading online. and i suffered losses.

This single defect, caused losses just today of aproxim.6000$,over a bunch of years I would estimate the losses in the $50,000 range just from this defect alone.Here’s the best part..Does this ever “unlock”?yes ;usually after a day or so weather they pretend to unlock it or not.However todays incident resulted from a partial execution on you can see that this problem persisted for 3 days and may not resolve itself until tomorrow!!!.Ask yourself if you would be comfortable locking your account access down like this for days at a time,and think about various events such as earning releases,news releases,options expirations,emergencies..etc that would dictate a quick transaction and decide for yourself if this would be acceptable to you?If you would like to learn more about how to shop for a broker,visit Broker

3 Questions You Must Ask A Drug And Alchol Center

It’s no longer a secret that there are many drug and alcohol rehab centers all over the world. As at the time of writing this, there are more than 15,000 centers in the United States of America alone! Though this is good on the one hand, it creates a problem for the newbie that wants a good and reliable drug and alcohol rehab center. The problem is making the right choice among the over 15,000 centers.

This problem can be reduced if you ask a potential rehab center these questions. A satisfactory answer will mean that you should consider registering with them but if they can’t seem to provide the right answer, delete them from your potential list.

Are you accredited?

This is the first and major question you must ask the center. This is what tells you whether the center will be able to help you or a loved one get and stay off drugs. Though there are many accrediting organizations, the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JACHO) and Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF), would suffice. If the center cannot provide their accreditation status for you, then it means that entering such a center will be suicidal as the center is not operating in line with the set national standards.

What are the credentials of your staff?

This is another measure you need to use to know the type of center you want to register for. There is no need for any drug or alcohol rehab center to hide the qualifications of their staffs. In fact the good and reliable ones will boast of the caliber of their staffs since that will give them an edge over the rest. Make sure that the center has qualified professionals skilled in treating drug or alcohol addiction. For instance, the therapist should be a member of the state or national therapist association.

Do you have any testimonial?

Testimonials from past clients can also be used to judge the competence of a drug or alcohol rehab center. Though many of the centers may not want to disclose their failures but at least you should be given the rate of their success. If possible contact the past clients and seek their own opinion about the center. You might also try putting up the question in a chat room, who knows somebody among participants may have gone to the center before.

If the center you want check into is not able to provide adequate and convincing answers to these questions, it means that you should continue searching for those that will do so. The fact that it’s not ideal you try getting off drug or alcohol addiction on your own does not means you should lose all your lifetime savings at an incompetent rehab center.

Gift Baskets Make A Great Gift

We have all been facing the situation one time or another when we need to get a gift for someone, but just don’t know what to get them. Here’s an idea for you – a gift basket! Gift baskets make an excellent gift as each of them contains lots of smaller gifts. They are also great for you as you don’t have to waste lots of time wondering around a store searching for that perfect gift.

If you know someone who doesn’t feel well and needs a little TLC, a get well gift basket makes a great gift. Get well gift baskets should contain items to help them get over feeling under the weather. They should contain items that you too would love to have to help you get through getting over an illness or healing after a major surgery such as some nice hot tea to help you relax and perhaps a few candles and something for a nice hot bubble bath. While they are at home getting better, they will be thinking of you as you have helped make them feel a bit better.

Do you know someone who just loves food? A gourmet gift basket is a wonderful idea to surprise them with for their birthday or Christmas. Gourmet gift baskets can be tailored towards that person’s likes such as a cheese basket or a scrumptious chocolate basket. These types of baskets will contain a variety of items that they will surely enjoy. If they are the type that loves all types of foods, you can get a sampler basket that will contain different samplings of all types of food such as the cheese and chocolate, but also cookies and coffee, and maybe even caviar. Whatever you choose, their pallet is sure to be pleased.

A gift basket is a great idea to give for a new mom and dad. You can have it tailored for a boy or a girl, or if you are not sure what the sex of the baby is, you can get some in a neutral color such as green or yellow. Baby gift baskets usually contain items such as a keepsake, a photo frame, and items for the baby. Such gift baskets may have a little rubber ducky and a hooded towel or maybe a little blanket and pair of pajamas for the little one. But not to forget about mom and dad, they can include a nice candle and perhaps some herbal tea to help them relax over the sleepless nights to come.

Whether you know someone who is ill, loves food, or just had a baby, there are tons of unique gift baskets out there. You can also find a theme or an occasion for a gift basket. From the movie lover, to the fisherman, to the new bride and groom there is always a gift basket waiting to be given to them. If you are the creative type, you can always make your own gift basket putting little things you know they would love into a basket for them. Whoever is on the receiving end, they will know that you made the gift basket with lots of love and with them in mind. ase