Thursday, August 18, 2011

Can a Simple Prayer Cure Your Acne?

Acne is the plague of the 21st century suffered by young people who just want clear skin they can rely on. So how do you cure it? Can a single prayer clear YOUR acne? If not what can you try that will work? Learn all this here...

Whilst some people might want to try praying for clear skin, I was never the religious type so couldn't use that option when I suffered from cystic acne. Instead I tried dozens of acne treatments available...

...from antibiotics, accutane and acupuncture, to Chinese herbs, homeopathy and fasting, nothing seemed to work to clear my acne. As you know this is a desperate situation. But I was lucky enough to find out some truth about clearing acne...

...And you MUST know this if you want to clear your acne. Seriously...

So what did I find out?

Well, that acne is caused by something very simple - hormonal inflammation.

And what causes this hormonal inflammation?

Well, mostly food. That's right, it's some inflammatory foods that cause acne, and without changing your diet you will forever stay acne-plagued. The trick is to eat less foods that are inflammatory, like vegetable oil, and more foods that are anti-inflammatory, like green vegetables.

This is something that is very effective, and for me personally it made a BIG difference in my acne. Although this isn't everything to curing acne, by changing YOUR diet you too can experience a DRAMATIC clear up in your acne. For more information visit my website now.

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