Thursday, August 18, 2011

Overcoming Anxiety

Overcoming Anxiety

By Robert Najemy

In order to create the healthy, happy and harmonious reality we all desire, we will need to create emotional harmony.

This process can be divided into six basic steps:

1. Recognize our emotions.

2. Accept them as they are.

3. Release them when necessary.

4. Understand how they are created.

5. Transform the negative ones through understanding and create more positive ones.

6. Transcend them.

Here we will present a short profile of some of the basic emotions. We have developed specific questionnaires for understanding each one.

As this book would have become prohibitively large if we included them here, those who are seriously seeking to understand themselves can download these questionnaires from our web site at

Answering those questions will help you discover how those emotions are created and how you might transform them.


Anxiety and worry, although obviously forms of fear, have become so common that it is worth looking at them separately.

Anxiety often concerns the factors of time and results. We are anxious because we fear that we will not have enough time to complete all that we have planned, or that the result will not be successful, perfect or acceptable to the others.

We worry often for the same reasons, but also when we fear something may not turn out as we hope. That "something" may concern ourselves, our children, or our parents or spouse, which of course, ultimately, through our attachment to these people, has to do with ourselves.

We learn to worry as children, and this becomes a habit causing us to search for issues to be anxious or worrisome about, even when there is nothing really important enough to merit such a concern.

We may wonder at times why our mind thinks so much about a particular matter, creating anxiety and worry, when in reality that matter is not so important to us.

Anxiety and worry contain a feeling of danger, that we are unable to achieve what we want or protect ourselves from others or events. It is a form of self-doubt and lack of faith in ourselves, others and the Divine Laws of the universe.


For this reason, we would do well to employ a daily program of:

1. Exercises

2. Breathing techniques

3. Deep relaxation with positive projection,

4. Meditation

5. A healthy diet

6. Creative self-expression.

These activities will help reorganize our energy patterns, freeing us from the hold of negative thoughts.

Positive antidotes to anxiety and worry could be:

1. Faith in divine wisdom and justice; that all will occur as is necessary and beneficial for our growth process. This belief allows us to surrender to the wisdom of the universe and feel secure even when externally we are being challenged by difficult situations.

This does not mean that we do not seek to create the reality we prefer, but simply that we feel sure that the results of our efforts will be the best for our growth regardless of whether they are what we prefer.

2. Confidence in our ability to deal with whatever life brings us.

Why should we doubt that we can deal with whatever comes? We have encountered so many tests in life, and here we are – alive and reading this. We have survived. We, as spirit, are greater than any possible human experience.

3. Realizing that we are worthy of love and acceptance as we are.

Much of our anxiety has to do with our doubts about our self-worth which we tend to measure by what others think and by the results of our efforts. Accepting ourselves as we are removes much anxiety.

4. Living in and enjoying the present moment.

Our fears, regrets, anxiety and worry seldom have to do with the present, but rather with the past and future. But neither actually exist. The past exists only to the degree that we carry it in our minds. The future is equally an illusion.

Focusing on what we are doing in the present moment releases us from anxiety and worry.

About the Author: Robert Elias Najemy, a life coach with 30 years of experience, is the author of over 20 books, 600 articles and 400 lectures on Human Harmony. Download wonderful ebooks, 100's of free articles, courses, and mp3 audio lectures at Find 8 of his books at

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