Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Advertisement Going Fast in This World

Advertisement on World

    * Advertisement is an esesential part of this society. Without it the business activity may come to an end int he country.
    * By means of advertisement , I placed a product at the end for espacially for new user of internt.It is very easy to do through internet.
    * Advertisement is carried through Television , Radio , Newspaper, internet.etc.
    * All advertisement are not based on truth adn sincerity. Most of them come to be onlyan eye wash.
    * Advertisement has many advantages.

We live in an age of competition .In this age , advertising has gained a great importance.The bussiness activity in the country mainly depends on advertisement .Only those goods are accepted as popular which put a show.By means of advertisement , the manufacturer of a product introduces it in the market.Without advertisement , we shall not know the range of products available in the field.

Advertisement has age long history , In the pas. the things were advertised and mad popular by the beating of drums. But in the modern age, the means of advertising have changed called mass media , we introduce out products in the market. We can say that advertising is a means to communicate to public the merits of different products and goods.It is doen by means of newspaper, television, Radio, Poster , Card. Internet etc

The advertisement is very difficult art.The advertiser is adept in human psychologly . He appeals to our sense of hearing. taste and sight by putting up the loud show of his products.There are many agencies which promote advertisement.

TV plays very important role in advertisement . On TV products displayed , conquer our sense of sight and hearing .They sweep us away with them.We are forced to form favourable opinion about the things so advertised. Newspaper also advertise things which faciltate a communication between buyer and seller. Advertisement of news paper related to sale of cars , houses , shops factories ,no doubt produce great facility for the buyer and seller.

Advertisement Factor

The advertiser make his products attractive and popular by means of regular propogands.

Goes on introducing one modern product after the other.

A modern mean is a great friend of advertiser.

They also exploits the knowledge of modern science to make his advertisement popular and effective.

Advertisement has many advantags.First it produces and urge for better standard of living. It brings the producer and the consumer close together. It boosts up business and promotes business activity. It has stabilized business and has increased the volume of trade

But my opinion about Advertisement

World Fast Advertisement is doing on internet , Like Google Adsense

Enjoy it

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