Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Guess What People Don

Something rather odd has been happening lately. I do something that someone doesn't like (hey, I can't please everyone). Then they start spewing about how I hate [insert whatever they are here] and am just out to repress/hold them down.

In the last week, I've been told I was repressing blacks, I was trying to destroy the Muslim religion (then also told I'm going out of my way to hurt Christianity). I've been told I've been oppressing women as well as "holding back" someone simply because they were a disabled war veteran.

In most cases it's spawned because someone spams my forum with whatever great product/service they are offering for a limited time, so their account is terminate for spamming.

Okay, so uhm... here's the deal people. If you spam for Viagra or pyramid schemes, your account was terminated because you spammed for Viagra or pyramid schemes. It's not because I'm somehow clairvoyant and sensed you were a woman, Muslim, disabled war veteran, or whatever else. Let's take this email for example...
fuck you for deleting my account!!! i hope you burn in hell you motherfucker. i'm a disabled war veteran. what's your problem with war vets anyway? you go around deleting my account just because I'm a war vet? you are an unamerican asshole.

This was in response to being banned for spamming about "limited time cheap cell phones". Kind of makes me wonder what goes through people's head when they start spewing such funny accusations. Because uhm, I didn't know you were a "disabled war veteran" until you just wrote me that email.

The good part about it, is it's terribly entertaining. :)

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